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Benefits of Fish Oil for Children and the Right Way to Give It

Provision of fish oil for children is now increasingly popular among the people. But this supplement should be ensured first safe for children, then give it with the right dose. Giving fish oil for children has the goal of meeting the needs of omega-3 fatty acids, which are very important for the body to function optimally.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Content

Although it still needs to be investigated further, various studies indicate the possible benefits of omega-3 in children starting in the womb. Omega-3 will support cognitive abilities, including eye and hand coordination, focus and social abilities. In addition, omega-3s in children can also reduce the risk of asthma. Actually the best source of omega-3 is fish consumption. Although some vegetables are green and olive oil also contains omega-3s, they are not enough. However, not all fish that contain omega-3s are safe for children or pregnant women, because there is a risk of poison, especially in large fish. Fish consumption should be no more than 340 grams per week. One of the poisons in fish is mercury due to sea pollution, which can cause negative effects on the body. To provide omega-3 intake, parents can provide fish oil for children containing omega-3. In addition, there are a variety of foods that are added with omega-3s such as milk, juice, eggs, bread, cooking oil or other snack foods.

Pay Attention to the Right Needs and Measures

This supplement is considered safe for most children. However, you should consult with a pediatrician before giving. Also ask your doctor about the right dosage of fish oil supplements for children. Provision of fish oil in children should be avoided in some special conditions, such as children who experience bleeding disorders, taking blood thinning drugs or the like. In addition, other conditions in children who are not suitable for taking fish oil supplements are children with a weak immune system and who are allergic to sea fish.

Tips for Giving Fish Oil for Children

Parents should not force babies or children to drink fish oil. Wait until they are ready. Because, forcing children to drink it can make them choke so that fish oil can enter the lungs (aspiration). When still a baby, omega-3 content can be obtained from breast milk, so breastfeeding mothers can consume fish, or fish oil supplements, so that the baby can then be obtained through breast milk. Providing supplements directly to children can be started since the child passes the age of 1 year, and in accordance with the advice of the doctor. If your child doesn't like fish oil supplements, you can work around this by:
  • Give fish oil to children in the form of chewable tablets, making it easier for consumption.
  • If there is, choose fish oil that contains an interesting taste, such as mint, cinnamon, or ginger, so that the taste of fish oil is disguised.
  • Mixing fish oil with honey.
  • Give fish oil with drinks that have a sour taste.
  • Add fish oil to the child's favorite food.
  • Give fish oil regularly so that children are accustomed to consuming it.
Fish oil for children is known to have many benefits to support growth and development. However, the consumption of fish oil for children should be consulted by a doctor, to ensure children get the optimal benefits and determine the right dose.


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