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Here are some bone disorders that often occur

Disorders of the bone can interfere with various bodily functions that have an impact on your health. In addition, disruption to the bones can also make your activities become limited. Bone is a living tissue that is able to continually renew itself throughout your life. Bones help you move, give shape to your body, and also support your body.

Recognizing Bone Disorders

Bones are the parts that make up the body's skeleton, consisting of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. The function of bones is as a place to store calcium. Apart from that, bones also have a big role in maintaining calcium balance in your blood. Given that bone function is very important, we need to understand that bone disorders that often occur include:
  • Osteoporosis

  • Osteoporosis is a common bone disorder. Osteoporosis occurs when new bone formation cannot compensate for damage to the old bone, so the bones become weak and brittle or porous. This is common with age. Menopausal women tend to be more prone to osteoporosis than men. Usually there are no symptoms at the beginning of the bone loss process, but some people experience back pain due to a fractured or brittle spine, a shorter body, or a bent posture. Osteoporosis sufferers are at high risk for fractures. A number of factors can increase your chances of developing osteoporosis besides age, namely genetic factors, lifestyle such as smoking and alcohol consumption, medical conditions, and a history of long-term corticosteroid treatment.
  • Osteomyelitis

  • Osteomyelitis occurs due to bacterial infection of the bone. In children, the most common bone infection occurs in the arms and legs. Whereas in adults, this infection usually appears in the hips, spine, and legs. Bone infection cannot be considered trivial, because if left unchecked, this infection can make bones become permanently damaged. As for some of the symptoms caused by osteomyelitis, namely fever above 38 degrees Celsius, fatigue, pain and redness in the area of ​​infection, swelling around the infected bone, and the difficulty of moving the painful bone.
  • Bone tumor

  • Bone tumors can be benign or malignant (cancer), which can spread throughout your body tissues. Bone tumors occur when there is an increase in the number of excess bone cells to form a mass or lump of bone tissue. The cause of this disease is not known with certainty, but tumors often occur when parts of the body are developing rapidly. Some types of bone tumors include giant cell tumors, enchondromas, and malignant bone tumors such as osteosarcoma.
  • Spondylosis

  • Spondylosis occurs due to the aging process, and generally occurs at the age of 40 years. With increasing age, the bones and connective tissue in the spine often suffer damage, including discs which are a cushion between vertebrae. Weakened, worn vertebral discs can bulge, then squeeze or pinch nerves. Spondylosis can occur without symptoms, or even with symptoms. Treatment for this disorder aims to reduce pain in the back and neck, as well as other symptoms due to nerve clamping. For example, by administering pain medication or by physiotherapy.
  • Osteophytes

  • Osteophytes are disorders of the bone in the form of bone spurs that grow on the spine or around the joints. Usually, osteophytes form alongside joints that are affected by osteoarthritis. Osteophytes can grow from any bone, but most often occur in the neck, shoulders, knees, lower back, fingers or toes, feet or heels.
Disturbances in bones must be treated immediately by medical personnel such as orthopedics or orthopedics. To treat bone disorders, the doctor will do a physical examination and undergo a supporting examination to determine the diagnosis and provide treatment. Proper treatment is very important to prevent further complications and problems.


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